Decentralizing the Music Industry - Community-Led Frameworks in Web3 (Masterclass)

Decentralizing the Music Industry - Community-Led Frameworks in Web3 (Masterclass)

August 24, 2022

Co-led a masterclass with my partner, Matthew Chaim on web3 and decentralized frameworks in the context of music, music industry and it’s future.


How can web3 reimagine the music industry? In this masterclass, the core team from the music collective Songcamp demonstrates how web3 ideology can facilitate new frameworks, from distribution and the supply chain to creative collaboration.

As a case study, the session will draw on their most recent songwriting camp, Chaos, which used decentralized infrastructure to produce and monetize creative output. The camp banded together 45 musicians collaborating on 45 songs over the course of 8 weeks, to release a collaborative body of work as a collection of NFTs—with a team of more than 30 other contributors working by their side (visual artists, engineers, radio producers, economists, etc). In partnership with Resident Advisor , the workshop will be led by Songcamp founder and producer, Matthew Chaim, and its core contributor and ecosystem gardener, Mark Redito.
